J. Friday

Storyteller & Strategist

The Saving the World Strategy Guide - How we save the world by saving each other

Coming Soon

A guide for finding your community's own unique way to save the world, how to gamify the process, and real strategies where every action counts and brings us closer to balance, connection, and a global win-win.A book, a living online document, a game, and a speech:How we save the world by saving each other.The adventure begins soon.

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Did you know that when ordinary people believe they can change the world and are given the tools to do so, we will?We're doing it now.Join me to build community brands around a shared purpose and create the lives -- and the world -- we all dream of.Read about how I became a thought leader on community wealth on my GoFundMe.GLHFXoxoJ.

Find & Build Community Brands

The Community Connection Engine is coming soon!Sign up for the email list for updates to be notified when our platform for free help is ready.

An App & Help for Better Relationships

The FRN App
  • The FRN App is FREE! Or pay what you can and support me & more helping and caring products like this!

What is Community Wealth?

I talk a lot about Community Wealth and Community Brands, but you might wonder what that even means.The world is in crisis. I believe wealth inequality is the fundamental cause.But how do we rectify it?There are a few things more pivotal to creating a better world than businesses that actually meet our needs, and communities that offer the connection, healing, and hope that so many of us feel disconnected from.When we come together to create our own businesses with people who align with us and with values that drive our passion, we can create the kind of jobs we want, create products that actually serve us, and reduce waste overall.We can use the profits to help each other, and as we grow we can take advantage of economies of scale and coordinate solving larger and larger problems in partnership with communities like ours.The truly successful businesses in this world don't compete with one another. And that's the key: cooperation.Businesses are just systems. The world is a system. You are a system. When we are intentional and implement systems that hold cooperation dear, and where processes are built to make our lives better and reconnect us in community, it has the power to transform the world overnight.Community Wealth is already well underway with companies like Freewater.io, with initiatives like the Preston Model, and with major companies like HelpBnk.For more about how Community Wealth can change not just the world, but your life and the lives of everyone you love, please follow our socials and get on the mailing list above.

Support Community Wealth

Thank you for your financial support which allows me to force multiply my impact xoxo

Exchange skills, not cash, to start and grow your business!

I'm very happy to be partnering with Rob Atlas to help bring the free gig economy in services to life.Come join us over on Bartt.io and get the help you need to make your side hustle or business happen, or level it up.Earn 50 tokens when you sign up through our referral link and create your first gig!

Bartt.io - Exchange skills not cash to launch side hustles together.

© J. Friday